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主编人民卫生出版社十四五规划教材《儿科护理学》、《实用新生儿护理学》及《实用临床护理规范系列》等多本著作。担任研究生课程《重症护理》负责人。近五年获得中华人民共和国科学技术部子项目、上海市科学技术委员会、上海市哲学社会科学规划办公室、上海市卫生健康委员会、上海市申康医院发展中心、上海市徐汇区科学技术委员会、上海市医院协会、bat365在线平台官方网站“双一流”和“地高建”项目等共计 20 余项科研资金支持。研究课题包括患者体验提升机制、护理人力资源管理、专科护士的岗位管理及绩效体系的研究、危重症护理等。近年来以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文数百余篇,SCI 32篇,牵头发表了多篇专家共识和指南。指导博士后、博士、硕士研究生 50 余名。



现任bat365在线平台官方网站附属中山医院护理部主任,bat365在线平台官方网站副院长,美国护理科学院Fellow(FAAN)。兼任国家卫生健康委人才交流服务中心“一带一路”医学人才培养联盟护理专业发展专家委员会主任委员、中国研究型医院学会护理分会副会长、中国现代医院管理智库护理分委会委员、中国医院教育协会第五届理事及护理分会副主委、全国护理专业临床学术指导专家委员会委员、中华医学会儿科分会护理学组组长、上海现代服务业联合会医专会护理分委会主委、上海现代护理职业教育集团副理事长、上海市医院协会护理专委会副主委等学术职务。担任《上海护理》副主编、《中华护理杂志》、《中国护理管理》、《中华护理教育》、《中国循证儿科杂志》、《解放军护理杂志》等杂志编委、《Nursing in Critical Care》,《BMJ-Open》 Reviewer。


1.Zhai Y, Yu Z, Zhang Q, Qin W, Yang C, Zhang Y. Transition to a new nursing information system embedded with clinical decision support: a mixed-method study using the HOT-fit framework[J]. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2022;22(1):310.

2.Cai S, Li J, Gao J, Pan W, Zhang Y. Prediction models for postoperative delirium after cardiac surgery: Systematic review and critical appraisal[J]. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2022;136(6):104340

3.Zhai Y, Cai S, Chen X, Zhao W, Yu J, Zhang Y. The relationships between organizational culture and thriving at work among nurses: The mediating role of affective commitment and work engagement[J]. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2023,79(1):194-204.

4.Zhai Y, Yu Z, Zhang Q, Zhang Y. Barriers and facilitators to implementing a nursing clinical decision support system in a tertiary hospital setting: A qualitative study using the FITT framework[J]. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2022,166:104841.

5.Shen Z, Qin W, Zhu L, Lin Y, Ling H, Zhang Y. Construction of nursing-sensitive quality indicators for cardiac catheterisation: A Delphi study and an analytic hierarchy process[J]. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2022,31(19-20):2821-2838.

6.Chen X, Zhang Y, Zhao W, Yuan J, Zhang Y. The Inpatient Experience with Nursing Care Scale (IPENCS): Development, validation and psychometric properties[J]. Journal of Nursing Management. 2022;30(2):570-581.

7.Shen Z, Zhang Y, Yang C, Liu J, Huang C, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Lin Y. A Smart-Phone App for Fluid Balance Monitoring in Patients with Heart Failure: A Usability Study[J]. Patient Preference and Adherence. 2022,16:1843-1853.

8.Chen X, Yuxia Zhang, Qin W, et al. How does overall hospital satisfaction relate to patient experience with nursing care? a cross-sectional study in China[J]. BMJ Open 2022,12:e053899.

9.Chen X, Zhang Y, Zhao W, Yuan J, Zhang Y. The Inpatient Experience with Nursing Care Scale (IPENCS): Development, validation and psychometric properties[J]. Journal of Nursing Management. 2022,30(2):570-581.

10.Chen X, Zhang Y, Zhang R, Shen G. 'I Accelerate' model: A grounded theory on conceptual framework of patient experience with nursing care in China[J]. Journal of  Nursing Management, 2021, 29(5):1311-1319.

11.Chen X, Zhang Y, Yu J. Symptom Experience and Related Predictors in Liver Transplantation Recipients[J]. Asian Nursing Research (Korean Soc Nurs Sci), 2021,15(1):8-14.

12.Li Gou, Guofeng Wang, Yuxia Zhang*. A multilevel analysis of the impact of group organizational citizenship behaviors on nurse–patient relationship: The mediating effect of work engagement and the moderating effect of emotional intelligence[J]. Journal of Nurs Management, 2021, 29(2):342-350.

13.Gou L, Ma S, Wang G, Wen X, Zhang Y. Relationship between workplace ostracism and turnover intention among nurses: the sequential mediating effects of emotional labor and nurse-patient relationship[J]. Psychology Health and Medicine. 2022,27(7):1596-1601.

14.Wenyan Pan, Shining Cai, Yuxia Zhang, et al. External use of Mirabilite combined with Lactulose improves postoperative gastrointestinal mobility among older patients undergoing abdominal surgery [J]. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2021,77(2):755-762

15.Zhang Y. Strengthening the power of nurses in combating COVID-19 [J]. Journal of Nursing Management, 2021, 29(3):357-359.

16.Shen Z, Qin W, Zhu L, Lin Y, Ling H, Zhang Y. Construction of nursing-sensitive quality indicators for cardiac catheterisation: A Delphi study and an analytic hierarchy process [J]. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2022,31(19-20):2821-2838.

17.Yan Y, Hu Y, Zhang Y, Pan W, et al. The predictive prognostic values of serum interleukin-2, interleukin-6, interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor-α, and procalcitonin in surgical intensive care unit patients [J]. Annals of Translational Medicine, 2021, 9(1):56.

18.Zhang Y, Wang C, Pan W, et al. Stress, Burnout, and Coping Strategies of Frontline Nurses During the COVID-19 Epidemic in Wuhan and Shanghai, China [J]. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020, 11:565520.

19.Zhang Y, Sun Z, Qian J, et al. Hospital response to the COVID-19 outbreak: The experience in Shanghai, China [J]. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2020, 76(7):1483-1485

20.Zhang Y, Li Q, Liu H. From patient satisfaction to patient experience: A call to action for nursing in China [J]. Journal of Nursing Management, 2020, 28(2):450-456.

21.Chen X, Wang J, Zhang Y, et al. Feeding practices in 6-24-month-old children with chronic cholestatic liver diseases: a mixed-method study [J]. BMC Pediatrics, 2020,20(1):395.

22.Chen Y, Zheng J, Zhang Y, Lin Y. Application of the PDCA cycle for standardized nursing management in a COVID-19 intensive care unit[J]. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 2020, 9(3):1198-1205.

23.Pan W, Li J, Zhang Y, et al. Clinical outcome of standardized oxygen therapy nursing strategy in COVID-19[J]. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 2020, 9(4):2171-2177.

24.Cai S, Zhang X, Zhang Y, et al. Prevalence, Predictors, and Early Outcomes of Post-operative Delirium in Patients with Type A Aortic Dissection During Intensive Care Unit Stay[J]. Frontiers in Medicine (Lausanne), 2020,7:572581.

25.Zhai Y, Cai S, Zhang Y. The Diagnostic Accuracy of Critical Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) in ICU Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis[J]. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 2020,60(4):847-856.

26.Lyu T, Zhang Y, Hu X, et al. Management of Oral Feeding Challenges in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs): A National Survey in China [J]. Frontiers in Pediatrics,2020,8:336.

27.Cai S, Zhang Y, Latour JM, et al. Preoperative cardiac function parameters as valuable predictors for nurses to recognize delirium after cardiac surgery: a prospective cohort study[J]. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2020,19(4):310-319.

28.Zhang X, Yang P, Zhang Y. Effects of volume-assured pressure support noninvasive ventilation in stable COPD with chronic respiratory failure: Meta-analysis and literature review[J]. Heart & Lung, 2020, 49(3):287-295.

29.Cai S, Zhang Y, Lv M, et al. Incidence and risk factors of PostopeRativE delirium in intensive care unit patients: A study protocol for the PREDICt study[J]. Journal of  Advanced Nursing, 2019,75(11):3068-3077.

30.张琦,张玉侠,徐建鸣,等. 急诊专科护理质量控制指标构建与应用[J]. 中国卫生质量管理,2022,29(10):11-16.

31.谢珺,张玉侠,范菊红,等. 照护信息系统联合个案管理模式在恶性血液病患儿中的应用效果[J]. 中华现代护理杂志,2022,28(30):4208-4214.

32.冯丽,张玉侠,张梦霞,等. 应用心肺复苏机救治院内心搏骤停患者护理专家共识[J]. 中华现代护理杂志,2022,28(22):2941-2948.

33.葛丽萍,张玉侠,胡雁,等. 护理管理者循证实践实施领导力与硕士学位临床护士循证护理能力的相关性研究[J]. 护理研究,2022,36(14):2476-2480.

34.翟越,虞正红,王颖,陈潇,张玉侠. 护理临床决策支持系统疼痛专项模块的构建及应用[J]. 护理学杂志,2022,37(9):1-5.

35.陈潇,张玉侠. 英国医疗护理员的发展概况及启示[J]. 中国护理管理,2022,22(4):636-640.

36.王文超,康琼芳,王颖雯,顾莺,张玉侠,张崇凡. 肝素或生理盐水延长外周静脉短导管留置时间的系统评价和Meta分析[J]. 中国循证儿科杂志,2022,17(1):28-34.

37.陈潇,张玉侠. 认知性访谈在患者护理服务体验量表编制中的应用[J]. 中华护理杂志,2022,57(1):83-89.

38.葛丽萍,张玉侠. 本科护生职业价值观及影响因素研究[J]. 上海护理,2021,21(11):67-71.

39.陈潇,张玉侠.认知性访谈在患者护理服务体验量表编制中的应用[J]. 中华护理杂志,2022,57(1):83-88











50.杨漂羽,冯丽, 张玉侠,等.临床护士预支固定排班模式的态度及其影响因素研究[J].中华现代护理杂志,2021,27(10):1268-1275.




54.蔡诗凝,张玉侠,潘文彦, 等.ICU术后机械通气患者镇静水平及其影响因素研究[J].中国实用护理杂志,2020,36(12):913-918.
