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副教授 硕士生导师,博士


联系方式:办公室电话(0216443 0093















现任bat365在线平台官方网站副教授,bat365在线平台官方网站和大理大学bat365在线平台登录入口硕士生导师,感染性疾病融合创新研究中心(复旦中心)主任、感染性疾病融合创新研究中心(深圳三院中心)副主任、bat365在线平台官方网站循证护理中心核心研究员、JBI Global Collaboration Fellow、国际艾滋病协会IAS成员、上海市临床流行病学和循证医学分会青年委员、Cochrane China Network成员、《JBI Evidence Synthesis》杂志的Associated Editor、《护士进修杂志》编委、《中国艾滋病性病》青年编委,多本高水平英文期刊的审稿人。



1. Yu J, Liu X, Zhu Z*, Yang Z, He J, Zhang L, Lu H. Prediction models for cardiovascular disease risk among people living with HIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine[J]. 2023;10:1138234.

2. He J, Zhu Z*, Sun M, Liu X, Yu J, Zhang L, Lu H. Barriers and facilitators to maintaining a high level of polypharmacy adherence in people living with HIV: A scoping review. Frontiers in Pharmacology[J]. 2023;14:1013688.

3. Zhu Z, Sun Y, Kuang Y, Yuan X, Gu H, Zhu J, Xing W. Contemporaneous symptom networks of multidimensional symptom experiences in cancer survivors: A network analysis. Cancer Medicine[J]. 2023;12(1):663-673.

4. Zhu Z, Qi X, Pei Y, Wang J, Wu B. Longitudinal relationships in the psychopathology of depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older adults in China. Aging & Mental Health[J]. 2023:1-10.

5. Liu X, Wang H, Zhu Z*, Zhang L, Cao J, Zhang L, Yang H, Wen H, Hu Y, Chen C, Lu H. Exploring bridge symptoms in HIV-positive people with comorbid depressive and anxiety disorders. BMC Psychiatry[J]. 2022;22(1):448.

6. Liu X, Zhu Z#, Miao Q, Lim JW, Lu H. Monkeypox–A danger approaching Asia. BioScience Trends[J]. 2022;16(4):245-8.

7. Liu X, Zhu Z#, He Y, Lim JW, Lane B, Wang H, Peng Q, Sun L, Lu H. Monkeypox claims new victims: the outbreak in men who have sex with men. Infectious Diseases of Poverty[J]. 2022;11(1):84.

8. Yang Z, Zhu Z*, Wen H, Han S, Zhang L, Fu Y, Hu Y, Wu B. Identifying subtypes of HIV/AIDS-related symptoms in China using latent profile analysis and symptom networks. Scientific Reports[J]. 2022;12(1):13271.

9. Liu X, Jiang XQ, Zhu Z*, Sun L, Lu H. The novel monkeypox outbreak: what should we know and reflect on?. Zoonoses[J]. 2022.

10. Zhu Z, Xing W, Wen H, Sun Y, So WKW, Lizarondo L, Peng J, Hu Y. Psychometric properties of self-reported financial toxicity measures in cancer survivors: a systematic review. BMJ Open[J]. 2022;12(6):e057215.

11. Wen H, Zhu Z*, Hu T, Li C, Jiang T, Li L, Zhang L, Fu Y, Han S, Wu B, Hu Y. Unraveling the central and bridge psychological symptoms of people living with HIV: A network analysis. Front in Public Health[J]. 2023;10:1024436.

12. Yang Z, Liu X, Zhu Z*, Zhang L, Han S, Fu Y, Lu H. Combating Stigma and Health Inequality of Monkeypox: Experience from HIV. Infection and Drug Resistance[J]. 2022;15:5941-5943.

13. Yang ZF, Zhu Z*, Hu Y, Wen H, Zhang L, Fu YF, Wu B. 症状网络在症状管理中的应用进展[J].护理学杂志,2022,37(05):91-94.

14. Chen Y, Wan J, Zhu Z*, Su C, Mei Z. Embedding evidence of early postoperative off-bed activities and rehabilitation in a real clinical setting in China: an interrupted time-series study. BMC nursing[J]. 2022;21(1):1-1.

15. Wen H, Yang Z, Zhu Z*, Han S, Zhang L, Hu Y. Psychometric properties of self-reported measures of health-related quality of life in people living with HIV: a systematic review. Health and quality of life outcomes[J]. 2022;20(1):1-43.

16. Zhu Z, Xing W, Liang Y, Hong L, Hu Y. Nursing students' experiences with service learning: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis. Nurse education today[J]. 2022;108:105206.

17. Zhu Z, Xing W, Hu Y, Wu B, So WK. Paradigm shift: Moving from symptom clusters to symptom networks. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing[J]. 2021;9(1):5-6.

18. Liu X, Cao J, Zhu Z*, Zhao X, Zhou J, Deng Q, Zhang L, Wang H. Nutritional risk and nutritional status in hospitalized older adults living with HIV in Shenzhen, China: a cross-sectional study. BMC Infectious Diseases[J]. 2021;21(1):1-9.

19. Qi X#, Zhu Z#, Plassman BL, Wu B. Dose-Response Meta-Analysis on Tooth Loss With the Risk of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association[J]. 2021;22(10):2039-2045.

20. Zhu Z, Guo M, Dong T, Han S, Hu Y, Wu B. Assessing psychological symptom networks related to HIV-positive duration among people living with HIV: a network analysis. AIDS care[J]. 2021:1-9.

21. Yang Z, Zhu Z*, Wen H, Han S, Xing W, Dong T, Guo M, Hu Y. Psychometric properties of self-reported measures of health-related quality of life in people living with HIV: a systematic review protocol[J]. JBI Evidence Synthesis. 2021.

22. Zhu Z, Guo M, Dong T, Gong B, Zhao X, Hu Y. Do Migrants Receive Tuberculosis Education in China? Evidence From the China Migrants Dynamic Survey. Health Education & Behavior[J]. 2021:10901981211000309.

23. Yang Z, Zhao X, Zhu Z*, Fu Y, Hu Y. How Patients with an Uncertain Diagnosis Experience Intolerance of Uncertainty: A Grounded Theory Study. Psychology Research and Behavior Management[J]. 2021;14:1269.

24. Zhu Z, Wen H, Yang Z, Han S, Fu Y, Zhang L, Hu Y, Wu B. Evolving symptom networks in relation to HIV-positive duration among people living with HIV: A network analysis. International Journal of Infectious Diseases[J]. 2021;108:503-509

25. 龚贝贝,米元元,韦彩云,黄海妹,吴金艳,玉明柳,刘宁梅,朱政*.肺结核患者规范化痰标本采集的最佳证据总结[J].中华护理杂志,2021,56(8):1229-1235.

26. 陈云,万静,朱政*,苏春宏,梅峥嵘,王寿平,谭湘萍,孔颖诗.促进剖宫产术后产妇早期离床活动的循证实践[J].中华护理杂志,2021,56(05):645-651.

27. 杨红丽,朱政*,胡雁,毕雄凤,徐巾洁,罗兰,张林.HIV感染者随访期间核心症状及严重程度的调查研究[J].中华护理杂志,2021,56(05):727-731.

28. Qi X#, Zhu Z#, Wu B. Reciprocal Association Between Cognitive Function and Oral Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Innovation in Aging[J]. 2020;4(Suppl 1):158.

29. Zhu Z, Xing W, Zhang X, Hu Y, So WK. Cancer survivors' experiences with financial toxicity: A systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies. Psycho-Oncology[J]. 2020;29(6):945-959.

30. Zhu Z, Xing W, Lizarondo L, Peng J, Hu Y, So WK. Psychometric properties of self-reported financial toxicity measures in cancer survivors: a systematic review protocol using COSMIN methodology. BMJ open[J]. 2020;10(5):e036365.

31. 朱政,胡雁,周英凤,顾莺,邢唯杰,陈瑜,张晓菊.推动证据向临床转化()证据临床转化研究中的文献质量评价[J].护士进修杂志,2020,35(11):996-1000.

32. 朱政,胡雁,周英凤,顾莺,邢唯杰,陈瑜,张晓菊.推动证据向临床转化()研究的选题和问题构建[J].护士进修杂志,2020,35(09):796-799.

33. 赵霞,朱政*,余旻虹,张琦,应巧燕.反复入院未明确诊断患者无法忍受不确定性的质性研究[J].中华护理杂志,2020,55(04):488-493.

34. Zhu Z, Zhao R, Hu Y. Symptom Clusters in People Living With HIV: A Systematic Review. Journal of pain and symptom management[J]. 2019.

35. Zhu Z, Xing W, Lizarondo L, Guo M, Hu Y. Nursing students’ experiences with faculty incivility in the clinical education context: a qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis. BMJ open[J]. 2019;9(2):e024383.

36. Zhu Z, Hu Y, Xing W, Guo M, Zhao R, Han S, et al. Identifying symptom clusters among people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy in China: a network analysis. Journal of pain and symptom management[J]. 2019;57(3):617-26.

37. Zhu Z, Hu Y, Xing W, Guo M, Wu B. Perceived discrimination and cognitive function in middle-aged and older adults living with HIV in China. AIDS care[J]. 2019;31(9):1061-8.

38. Zhu Z, Hu Y, Guo M, Williams AB. Urban and rural differences: unmet needs for symptom Management in People Living with HIV in China. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care[J]. 2019;30(2):206-17.

39. Zhu Z, Guo M, Petrovsky DV, Dong T, Hu Y, Wu B. Age and regional disparity in HIV education among migrants in China: migrants population dynamic monitoring survey, 2014–2015. International journal for equity in health[J]. 2019;18(1):104.

40. 朱政,胡雁,赵蕊,韩舒羽,付艳芬,赵霞,鲍美娟,张林,韦彩云,栾玉泉,刘庆芬,杨炼,赵东宁.艾滋病定点诊疗模式下症状管理的质性研究[J].中华护理杂志,2019,54(05):658-663.

41. Zhu Z, Yang F, Wang L, Zhao R. Non-pharmacological fever management for persons living with HIV: a best practice implementation project. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports[J]. 2018;16(3):791-801.

42. Zhu Z, Xing W, Hu Y, Zhou Y, Gu Y. Improving Evidence Dissemination and Accessibility through a Mobile-based Resource Platform. Journal of medical systems[J]. 2018;42(7):118.

43. Zhu Z, Hu Y, Li H-w, Bao M-j, Zhang L, Zha L-j, et al. The implementation and evaluation of HIV symptom management guidelines: A preliminary study in China. International Journal of Nursing Sciences[J]. 2018;5(4):315-21.